I remember this Thanksgiving like it was yesterday. We had so much fun together just hanging out at the table, chatting and being silly.

Thanks for looking! Have a crafty week! I need a crafty week too!
Scrapbooking, cardmaking, and life
I remember this Thanksgiving like it was yesterday. We had so much fun together just hanging out at the table, chatting and being silly.
Thanksgiving is approaching fast and I'm excited for it! It's one of my favorite holidays, if not "the" favorite. I love the time with family and sharing traditional recipes with them. I want my grandkids to experience all the food and fun!
I'm sharing a Thanksgiving layout from four years ago. I'm not sure how I skipped these when posting. I have a lot of catching up to do!
I'm not sure which paper collection I used, but it may be from Simple Stories. Love all of these faces around the table. So much has changed, and it's hard sometimes to wrap my brain around it all.Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but I do enjoy a few things about it. Greeting the neighbors, seeing it through my grandkids eyes, and nice fall weather.
Poor Sawyer was sick this year, so we missed seeing him dressed up. My son actually is a police officer, so his costume is legit!Thanks for checking out my Halloween layout!
Today, I'm sharing an older birthday layout of my two boys. They are "lucky" enough to share a birthday with each other. πTheir birthday was in August and they are getting so old. I'm not sure how that is happening, when I'm still the same. This is actually from 5 years ago! I'm not sure how I forgot to post this one until now.
Downtown Fort Wayne is a fun place to go. The murals on the buildings make it lively and add to the vibe. The kids love it probably more than we do, because they're more "hip" than we are. β The pizza here is so yummy!! We were blessed with a beautiful day to hang out.Here it is! The last layout from our trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming and the Grand Tetons. It's taken awhile to get through all of these, but we made it!
Hello scrappy friends! Hope your week is off to a good start.
I have a few more scrapbook layouts from our trip to the Tetons in September 2020. It was such a trying year! What a blessing to be able to get away and enjoy God's creation at it's very best!
Hope you aren't tired of seeing my Wyoming scrapbook layouts. I only have a few more, and then I'll move on. Promise!
Here's a fun layout of the route north of Yellowstone Park. Again, the scenery is amazing. So many beautiful photo ops. We stopped every 5 minutes to take pictures.
Just got back from a work trip to Florida, yesterday. We stayed an extra few days on Amelia Island. The weather was pretty tolerable for Florida. It was actually cooler there than it's been here in NE Indiana!
I'm jumping right back into the blogging routine and have another travel layout to share with you today.
This mountain scenery is unbelievable, in spite of the residual smoke that drifted in from the California wildfires.I hope you've noticed that I'm on a roll of posting regularly. Hopefully, I didn't just jinx myself.
Today, I'm sharing another layout from our Yellowstone trip from a few years back. This is still one of my favorite destinations so far.
We travelled north in Yellowstone National Park to Mammoth, Wyoming to see the Mammoth Hot Springs and saw the Continental Divide along the way.
I'm back to share another layout from our trip to Wyoming. Hope you're not getting bored with all of these layouts.
It was so cool to see this herd of buffalo in Yellowstone. Even though they are plentiful in the park, I'd never seen this many together, so close. They totally own the road and rightfully so. Everybody wants to see them close up, especially the calves. They can hold up traffic for awhile, but nobody seems to mind!
Hello! Can't hardly believe it is already Memorial Day weekend. It was just March! As I get older, times flies faster and faster. Sometimes it makes my head spin.
I'm back today to share another Yellowstone layout with you. Hope it inspires you in some way.
I'm enjoying reliving our trip to the Tetons as I share my scrapbook with you. It was so amazing! The scenery, the wildlife, the mountains! I hope we will have time to go back some day! Highly recommend it...10 out of 10!
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your holiday, but most of all remember the reason behind it as you think on these lyrics.
"O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country love
And mercy more than life."
Hello! It's been a beautiful day filled with mostly sunshine and warm temperatures. Not that I was outside much, but it was a wonderful Work From Home Wednesday. My favorite day of the work week!
Today, I'm sharing a layout of a close up moose and bear sighting while we were in the Grand Tetons, Wyoming. My hubby took these. Yes, he was way too close! They all got in trouble with the Rangers. Thankfully everybody was fine and got some great pictures out of the deal. ππ¬