Saturday, May 1, 2021

You Rock - Two Page School Layout

 My grandkids make me so proud!! 😍 Since school is drawing to a close for this year, here's a double layout of my granddaughter's school program for you to check out.

The coolest part of this layout is the back story. As you may be able to read from the journaling (or maybe not because my writing stinks), my oldest son had Mrs. Ruble for 1st grade, and our granddaughter got the same teacher. She is a fabulous teacher, so Scarlet had a great year! How cool to have the same teacher that your Dad had?? She was Mrs. Ruble's first 2nd generation student. I hope that didn't make her feel old!
I loved using this patterned paper for my baby girl! She used to have owls in her nursery, so I became obsessed with them. I still love them, and she is probably over them and more into unicorns and mermaids. Owls represent wisdom to me because of the phrase "wise old owl". I love the colors, the owls, and the mix of patterns. 
Pictured above is a few of her classmates, her little brother (her biggest fan), and one of her besties. Looking back on this now, I feel like the banner needs something else? What does it need...Help a girl out!
I hope this inspires you in some way and will give you a boost to make it through the rest of the school year!! Have a great weekend!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I will be sharing more posts from one of our trips to Michigan next week. 

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