Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pint & Slice - Two Page Birthday Scrapbook Layout

 Today, I'm sharing an older birthday layout of my two boys. They are "lucky" enough to share a birthday with each other. 😆Their birthday was in August and they are getting so old. I'm not sure how that is happening, when I'm still the same. This is actually from 5 years ago! I'm not sure how I forgot to post this one until now.

Downtown Fort Wayne is a fun place to go. The murals on the buildings make it lively and add to the vibe. The kids love it probably more than we do, because they're more "hip" than we are. ✌ The pizza here is so yummy!! We were blessed with a beautiful day to hang out.

Oh my goodness! Look at my grandbabies! How are they getting so big now. 😭
I cut the circle banner to look like the lanterns that hang across the outdoor eating area. The ampersand for the title, pizza flag and "I love you more than pizza." embellishment at the bottom were cut with my Cricut. The small alpha letter stickers made it easier than cutting letters that tiny.
Thanks for looking! I plan to get back into the groove of posting. Let's see if I can make that happen!! I've been a slacker at blogging lately, but I have so many more layouts to share with you. 

Have a great week!

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