Here's an Easter layout from 2017. This is my son and daughter-in-law coloring eggs in the kitchen at our old house.
These two get super creative with their egg decorating. It's fun to watch them. I got a little creative with my paper choices for this page!! There is a lot going on As I look back at this, I might have changed a few things, but that's okay. I'm not going to change it. It's done and the memory is preserved. The mission was still accomplished.
I love the two little scalloped flower clips on the title. It doesn't lay very flat in the album, but it will continue to flatten out over the years.😆 The red rick-rack is like masking tape and is so quick and easy to put down on a page. It's very forgiving and pulls up easy if you need to adjust it.
I hope that you have a very meaningful Good Friday, even though you may not be able to celebrate the way you have in the past. It will be different, but I know that God is working all things for our good and His glory. Stay strong and stay safe! If you have a chance come back for another Easter post on Sunday.
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