Monday, April 14, 2014

Two Page Layout - "Maid of the Mist"

Hope you've had a relaxing weekend. Mine has been very unproductive, due to recovering from the stomach flu.  I must be getting old. It's taking me awhile to bounce back, and I'm so impatient. Hopefully I'll feel stronger tomorrow and be able to get back to work.

I love Niagara Falls. Have you ever been? My husband and I went September of 2011. The Maid of the Mist is an amazing boat ride that takes you up close and personal with the falls where you can experience their beauty and power with all of your senses. Even with the raincoat, we were drenched, but it's so worth it to hear the roar and see the water churning. These pictures of us were snapped prior to the boat ride (pre-drenching).
 The patterned paper is Pink Paislee's Indigo Bleu, including the journaling tag. This is a pretty simple picture grid. I had so many great pictures, and it was brutal to keep this to one two-page layout.
 I hand-cut the banner and wrapped scrapper's twine between two brads for a nautical feel. The bits of scraps, tags, and die cut key near the title came in a package of odds-and-ends purchased at JoAnn's. The title is from Cricut's Jubilee cartridge.
The design allowed for seven 4x6 pictures in addition to two wallets.

I look back at these pictures and realize how far I've come with my weight loss journey. I'm still on this journey of losing weight and getting healthy, but seeing this picture of myself back then is such a great reminder that I don't want to go back that direction.

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